Client Statements

“Thank you for how you have helped my son over the last few months. I was worried that he would not engage with anyone and couldn’t see how to help him. I am very grateful for that.”


“I really value my therapy sessions and look forward to them every week . I am pleased with my progress and I have noticed a marked improvement in my capacity to manage my mental health since starting therapy with Lara.”


“My daughter’s confidence in social situations has improved following her sessions with Lara and I was delighted to see her cope brilliantly this summer when meeting new people her own age and older which is something she would have struggled with in the past.”

(Statements are anonymous for privacy.)

“We have consulted Lara Danielle for a few months now. We sought Lara’s guidance as we needed to tackle some defiance to us as parents. Lara helped us listen to each other’s viewpoints, reducing some of the frustration of our daily lives, provided some excellent strategies on dealing with explosive pre-teens and tackle issues in a step by step manner. Lara has empathy and an engaging personality. She’s fantastic!'“

